Sunday, October 09, 2011

Coffee only $73 a bag!!!

That's better than the time we went for water filters and spent $200.  I am going to have to start leaving Colleen in the car!!!!!  We did get 2 travel mugs, two books and a jar of antipasto but I went in for Vanilla Hazelnut coffee!

EIGHT WEEKS TOMORROW and we are on the plane for Taiwan!!  We are travelling via Calgary, San Francisco and Tokyo.  We leave here at 6:30 AM and arrive in Taipei at 10:20 PM.  26 hours is about the shortest we've had AND 90 minutes is our longest layover.  But we do have to overnight in Taipei before taking the 2 hour High Speed train ride to Kaohsiung.  (the bus and it's 3AM arrival is NOT a tolerable option).  Even with the hotel and THSR we are MUCH LESS than if we left here any closer to Christmas.   I expect we will meet Melissa on her Wednesday lunch break.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.....our LOCAL extended family numbers about 40 now (and that's really only half......(one branch)  so we are using our church kitchen and cafe area.  We get to use the gym so the harried factor is lowered a bit.  I whine that it is not the same but it is still WONDERFUL and a blessing to have so many happily together.

To my American family and friends  don't worry yours is coming.........for once the USA follows the Canadian lead!!

Oh yeah, we are all doing well.   Melissa's melanoma surgery in June was successful and all tests continue to come back CLEAR. We've been able to spend some marvelous time with Alex and Gaby.  Although not much with Jay & Julie.  Our summer has been good, a bit relaxed and a bit hectic at times but NO major injuries or incidents!  And now to ease ourselves into our new Visalus Sciences business endeavour and prepare for 4 1/2 months in Taiwan.

love to all

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