Saturday, November 17, 2007

A feet up Saturday

My brain and body didn't act like I just had a day off last Monday. So after taking Colleen to work this morning I went back to bed and slept for most of an hour.

Man I'm wearing out easily these days! Please pray for Colleen's tolerance. Oh and my refreshing. The strike is now 2 weeks old and even though it seems to make my workload a bit lighter I am finding it very tiring. And I don't have the stress on my income that the strikers have; they must be exhausted!

We had another dusting of snow this morning. It might be the one to stay. We may only have the occasional day above freezing until March. I am so thankful for our warm house.

Luv & hugs to each of you.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Well my first time to vote and my guy won. I didn't think I would be that influential!

come on take the bait.......................

Now we just have to wait and see how a different group of politicians can look after our interests.

The CUPE Strike 2007

I certainly don't understand the issues fully but it seems both sides have now lost more that either might have gained. Sure there are some long term issues but the reality most of the employees are only able to survive the short term effects anyway.




Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Well the strike does have effect on me but in many ways its been minimal. Today my Friday 'career' meeting was postponed indefinitely! Argh, I never thought I would want such a major meeting to get over with.

Oh well, trust in God's guidance, right?

I have become aware of a few more dear friends in need of major prayer support. I remind each of you that stop by to pause and pray for those that come to mind. God is using you!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Not so random thoughts

Please pray for Dave and Elma Dennis' family I understand he had a heart attack Monday.

Pray for Melissa, several things are changing. one dog has been adopted, there are some developments with her current and future jobs.

Pray for the University community. The issues leading to the strike are complex.

Thanks for your prayers. I realized my whole body was tense last week. your prayers have helped me relax.

Pray for Jay, Julie and Alex. For clarity and receptiveness to reconciliation and healing.

Pray for all those young parents out there so they can see the humour in their kids to help through the times when tired reigns.

Remember God is GOOD. Look for Him and his involvement in your life today.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Am I different today?

Rose thank you for sharing that my posts have encouraged you. That in turn encourages me.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support for Colleen and me.

I find it curious, interesting, thought provoking that today's church service fully aligned with me. Each component connected with me, built me up, gave cause for rejoicing, feeling God or stimulated pondering. Seeing Corwin lead worship is like seeing one of my own kids leading. JP edges him out, but it's close. Dr. Barbour's, okay Lee's, message triggered a curious hunger.
Was I different? Maybe! Was the service different? I'm not sure it was. Maybe it was the french fries and gravy for breakfast!?
Most of the video or speaking resonated with me instead of disconnecting me. It seemed there was none of the too loud or hard to understand words in the worship music, but it wasn't quiet. And it's not like I've had or am going to have an easy week. Job action by one union at work means my work was very different last week and I suspect most of this week. Provincial election on Wed. Big career meeting scheduled for Friday morning. Maybe it's because my newly found cousin is praying for me in a different way than all of you are able? Steven and I have discovered several parallels. But not all, neither of us need to unload that much yet!
Well lots to think about and through. Feel free to comment........
Or share thoughts.
God is mysteriously comforting me.