Sunday, November 04, 2007

Am I different today?

Rose thank you for sharing that my posts have encouraged you. That in turn encourages me.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support for Colleen and me.

I find it curious, interesting, thought provoking that today's church service fully aligned with me. Each component connected with me, built me up, gave cause for rejoicing, feeling God or stimulated pondering. Seeing Corwin lead worship is like seeing one of my own kids leading. JP edges him out, but it's close. Dr. Barbour's, okay Lee's, message triggered a curious hunger.
Was I different? Maybe! Was the service different? I'm not sure it was. Maybe it was the french fries and gravy for breakfast!?
Most of the video or speaking resonated with me instead of disconnecting me. It seemed there was none of the too loud or hard to understand words in the worship music, but it wasn't quiet. And it's not like I've had or am going to have an easy week. Job action by one union at work means my work was very different last week and I suspect most of this week. Provincial election on Wed. Big career meeting scheduled for Friday morning. Maybe it's because my newly found cousin is praying for me in a different way than all of you are able? Steven and I have discovered several parallels. But not all, neither of us need to unload that much yet!
Well lots to think about and through. Feel free to comment........
Or share thoughts.
God is mysteriously comforting me.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

What an encouraging post. It's not often that you hear of someone connecting so closely with a worship service. I'm glad you've been able to connect with a new relative and you'll have someone who can truly "relate" to you.