Monday, June 11, 2007

hmm 2 weeks no post

Well not terribly busy, just distracted.

Melissa will be home for a visit in less than 4 weeks!

Life continues.

I survived the Power Hour Grade 5 sleepover. Even when 4 boys decided to pull an all nighter. Pretty quiet until the sun came up around 4 am and they could see 2 deer across the field. That meant get them out so the others had enough quiet to sleep. Who would have thought they would be willing to pick up mini marshmallows that had been out all night. We used marshmallow shooters similar to this (blowers - no alcohol involved)

Life continues, work, eat, rest, feed the internet addiction.

Love and encourgement to all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was a little shocked that the kids were using marshmallow shooters. I had to go to the link to get clarification. My friend had just told me about another kind of marshmallow shooter of the beverage kind so your reference to mini marshmallow shooters threw me off.