Friday, January 25, 2008


yeah let me know.......................

I'm not sure how to describe the last week. No profound thoughts are being driven lately.

My sister is back in hospital in Minot to rebuild her strength. Potassium, sodium, 2 units of blood. Serious but sounds like a good step in the long term improvement. Please pray for all of us to have strength, patience and truly release all aspects for her and ourselves to God's supernatural ways.

Some younger friends have had birthdays.
Colleen's knee is a bit better and she sees the physiotherapist today.
Work has had levels and lows, no real highs!
Zou is looking great and exciting.
Melissa has had a good week.
No news or contact from Jay & Julie.
Feeling pretty good even though I'm home 'sick' from work.
Tension has strange effects on motivation.
Tomorrow may hold relaxation and house cleaning.
and I continue to add to my Facebook friends.

And plans are coming together for a June trip to Oklahoma and Kansas for family gatherings. Then a 08/08/08 trip to Campbell River for a wedding.

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