Saturday, February 23, 2008

Relief, excitement, anticipation, sadness, trust

Change brings so many things. All that has really changed this week is more people know I will be leaving the University after almost 32 years. Now I can start closing things off and moving on. I am relieved. I have moments with a twinge of sadness. I have subdued excitement.

Life is GOOD. My sister's life could be better. The treatments have been hard on her she's back to 91 pounds. She is feeling stronger than a few weeks ago though. Please continue to pray for her and Bill's continued strength.

Melissa is doing well. She's visiting friends and family in Taipei this weekend. Yeah sounds unreal but she lives in Taiwan.

We're still praying for Jay & Julie to experience God's healing so they can see a way to renew relationship with us.

Colleen's knee is getting better. Now to see how much longer before she can return to work.


alex said...

thanks for the congrats. Time really does fly.

Nevada said...

You are an example of faith to be looked up to! I admire your patience and trust in God. God is good, and has good plans for us. I always remind myself of that.

We'll be praying for you and what your future holds.