Saturday, January 24, 2009

One week later

There just hasn't seemed to be the urge to blog lately..............prepare yourself ...........

It's Sunday afternoon and we've just listened to the December 28th and January 4th Lakeview sermons. Technology extends God's family. Life is good. It has it's moments here and over there. We've had a couple emails from home people that renew that feeling of absence, God is SO GOOD to give us family and friends that warm our hearts.

Those that follow Facebook will know Melissa has been sick this week and may now be on the mend. Medical care here is easily accessed and inexpensive but you still have to go see the doctor!

This has been weighing on my mind. We have a couple friends whose mothers are not well, please remember and treasure those around you at every opportunity. We know of at least one young couple who have lost their child in early pregnancy, pray for God's abiding presence for the parents, siblings and grandparents. I know of some and am sure there are many others that are dealing with various relationship issues and dimensions that are part of the reality of life, please pray for God's strength, patience and wisdom.

I have been a bit reflective as a CLOSE friend's mother is in hospital and declining. We are exactly half way through our time away! Maybe that is part of the heaviness in my heart, glad but sad. Some of our conversations have started to shift from this time to next year when we are here. Okay, I'll stop living on what I don't have and get back to savouring what I do have.

The time here has been everything I had hoped it would be and more but dared not expect. Sure I've taught more than I was expecting but it helps the financial balancing act. I wanted it to feel like home rather than a vacation, it does. Oh we have had the relaxing times and in 2 weeks we will get serious about that as Colleen's sister Judy and her husband Doug will be here for 5 weeks. We will spend some time in Bangkok and Phuket while they are here!

This week we will relax, wander, explore and ____________ as Melissa is off this week due to Chinese New Year break. Next week Colleen will sub 2 hours for 1 Kindergarten class and I will sub for 2 days. That should wrap up the teaching, we need to practice retirement before getting back to Saskatoon in mid April!

Oh Sorry to see Saskatoon is -30. It helps our 20 feel not quite so chilly! Now where are my socks?

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