Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another Tuesday, another emotion

Well my blogging hasn't been very frequent lately.....................Colleen and I went to The Soloist with Robert Downey Jr., Jamie Foxx ( not WITH, you know what I mean). Very Good! The character portrayals were good. But MAN, or as my cousins might say DANG IT, I didn't need the thought processing that the relationships, homelessness and mental health are generating! Whew! It consumes most of my emotional margin!!! I thought I had more margin............. Oh well it tires me enough I will sleep soundly tonight!

I went past the point of The Soloist being based on a book and saw the misguided cleaning up of an area populated by Homeless people, homeless being portrayed as having major mental health issues and the care/attention needed in relationships. Of course I can reign myself in enough to see the dynamics of the primary relationship as the purpose and nature of it evolves, enjoy the music and acting. I particularly liked the scene where Jamie is listening to the Orchestra practise and it switched to a swirling and pulsing of light colours to match the music! Kind of like that thing that happens when I am in the bright sun and kick back, close my eyes relax and let my brain register what happens. COOL

Well this has let my emotional margin refresh a bit.............................only a bit though. I'll need a couple days to get back to my tough exterior. Ok, not so tough but at least stronger.

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