Saturday, August 22, 2009

Another week of life

Some working, some playing, some helping others that bordered on play and work.

As with most weeks a mixture !

Lloyd Colborne passing at the age of 88. I have not known him well but the last several years I have known him as a prayer warrior praying consistently for leaders and regular folk daily, weekly or whatever they needed. Some in simple support and others in times of crisis or significant events.

A facebook chat with one of my aunts who is dealing with separation from her son too. We have covenanted to pray for each other's sons understanding. I think she has had more catastrophic events on her trail but that does not make the separation pain any less for either of us. I do know that we each have said we would do anything to renew the connection if we only knew what to do to bring change.

Farmer's Market was a GONG SHOW for us. I'm sure it was a very successful day for most with twice as many people as we have seen! Parking was impossible within 3 blocks or 45 minutes but I enjoyed watching people as I drove around........ Of course that meant Colleen's expectations were DASHED AND SMASHED especially after I called her cellphone 4 times and it was on silent mode, argh. Hear me fume and try to be lovingly calm? I failed! She still loves me but like was not at the top of her list.

Tomorrow is Church BBQ day and in a few weeks we will get the fall season kicked off. WOW FALL STARTUP!?

Now to finish a couple electrical jobs I'm doing and get to some houses in PA that need smoke detectors........

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