Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Grieving ................

I just got word of a friend's passing after a long battle with cancer.   It brings sadness and tears and broken voice and happiness that her suffering is passed.  I think it brings back those little pieces of grief from all those I have lost over the years.  AND an increased understanding of my own grieving process.   God is stronger and our fullest hope is in Heaven and eternity with Him.  All our lives have a limit so we do our best to deal with it when it happens.

It hurts to be involved in people's lives and then lose them!!!  It is also a TREMENDOUS JOY.   I will continue to welcome people into my life because the pain is far less than the joy and happiness it brings.

My life will continue pretty much the same until Friday arrives and we say another farewell.  My heart aches for her young daughter as I have known her best through my youth group work.  Joyelle prayed every day for the several months my sister suffered with cancer before she died and now she is grieving the loss of her mother!  My voice quivers and my eyes weep because she is so much a part of my heart. 

I will be OK.  I have been OK through other loss and heartache so I will endure and persevere.  And after all tears and broken voices are what make us who we are.

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