Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Colleen is on her way here

Northwest Air says her flight has landed in Minneapolis, but has not arrived at the gate yet. In about 10 hours Melissa and I will head to Taipei to take some things to Chris and Nevada and pick up Colleen. The reality of limited time in Kaohsiung is starting to hit me. I HAVE REALLY ENJOYED MY DAYS HERE.

Yesterday I had my first real accident and it really doesn't qualify. I was going slow through a very tight spot and as I was tipping over I reached out for one of the big traffic barricades. Unfortunately here big doesn't mean heavy or strong. The thing was half the size of a couch and flipped on its side easier than a kitchen chair, totally hollow plastic. I only got a scrape and bruise on my left leg so good for story without much suffering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, just checkin' in. Hope you are doing well even though you had a spill!
We miss you both and are thinking and praying for you!!
Rose & Ernest