Saturday, September 23, 2006

Waiting in Osaka

Well we have the first leg well under way. We arrived at 11:30 local time in 2 hours and 1 minute from Taipei. Melissa is probably enjoying a good sleep at Chris and Nevada's about now.

We have had wonderful time, now we are in the endurance phase! We are here for just under 2 hours before we set out on the 13 or 14 hours to Detroit. Too bad we couldn't divert slightly south as we fly back through Alaska and the NWT. I think it would be worth learning to skydive.

Vending machine prices rival Saskatoon which is a shock after the much lower prices in Kaohsiung and Taipei. A 1 litre water bottle was often 15 or 20 $NT ($0.68) and it is 150 yen ($1.44) here! And when it is out of a product it seems to make a substitution for you. The woman didn't look too surprised!

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