Sunday, April 01, 2007

an introspective week --sort of---Palm Sunday should be

Interesting how blogging has started to create a feeling of obligation to post frequently. Now to the title..........

Well not totally introspective, but maybe a bit more than usual. This week had a lot of the same old day in day out things the way all of us do. Well, not many would be part of bowling with 73 Grade 6-8 kids and then 35 K-5 kids. Yep I was tired.

On Tuesday one of our Alpha group members didn't attend because she slid back in to some old habits for a few days. Her habit just happens to be more visible to those around her than mine and probably those of anyone reading this. Many times in the last few weeks I have seen various sayings about each failure being the stepping stone for the next success or that success is built on failures. Not so easily done or felt.

Palm Sunday--talk about a time to revisit purpose and actions! As we were singing worship songs this morning I realized I have been too busy with various dimensions and concerns of my life to allow God to speak to me and support me.

As you read this please pray for someone in your life that looks like they are managing everything. We probably are only 2 or 3 bad days away from collapse. Maybe more, but maybe not.

Use this week to refresh your vision of God and Jesus' role in your life. Attend a Good Friday service and then the celebration of His resurrection on Sunday.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I will be praying for you to get clarity and confirmation on details.