Wednesday, March 02, 2011

curiouser and curiouser

I think I may be mourning leaving Taiwan already and it is more than a month before we leave!  Or maybe I am not occupied enough.  Or maybe.........................................  today it's so easy to feel DOwn, or struggle with feeling hurt or something like that.  And THEN today I found out the Earthquake dampening ball at a builidng on Boai is the back of a Pizza Oven!  There's a sign that says HOT DO NOT TOUCH ME!  Last year there wasn't a sign!   Or heat!
OR MAYBE it was going to Taipei last weekend to see friends and Cirque de Soleil and the International Flora Expo and Cirque was OK but not MINDblowing then the Flora Expo was ok but THIS was one of the Canadian most are done by Taiwanese so don't jump on the Harper Bandwagon.
And then since it was ENVIRONICS  it was a soilless and sometimes sunless presentation of various plant growing methods with a couple Canadian house rooms decorated A la IKEA.

The grounds were artistic and well laid out.

But then we decided it was time to head back to Kaohsiung so it wasn't terribly late since Melissa had to teach the next day.  I like the order of this shot of the seats even though this is from our way up as it was pretty full on the way home.....a few times we were going 296 km per hour!
Well I feel a bit better now that I've expressed my feelings to myself and you!  thanks for reading.

the weekend in Taipei was a marvelous temperature!

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