Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Earlier today I was listening to the variety of construction and traffic sounds and thought of the blessings God bestows on each of us every day. It's so easy to miss the fact that God Blesses Us every moment and we need to savour the fact that every day has a blessing!

Even in the times when we may have poor health, sadness or other stresses God provides blessings. Our mindset often hides the blessing from us! Sure there are everyday things we do and some aren't exactly fun but we need to occasionally remind ourselves that as Christians we hold that God's perspective guides us.

For God, a day, a week, a month, a year are very different than we can comprehend. We need to loosen our grip on time and events in order to see a glimpse of what God has for us! Some times this means ENJOY THE MOMENT with abandon! Yeah Zou! Some times this means endure patiently and watch and listen for what God has for us to learn.

Sometimes this means open up, share our heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your ponderings. I remember too well after I received my second chance at life that those things were so much on my mind. The many and new, yet not new sounds and tastes that I felt and heard. The taste of foods was so incredible, the grass so green and laughter so good. God is good. We need to learn to enjoy those many blessings. Tomorrow at our small group I'll be sharing from John 14:27 "God is giving us a gift "peace".